I saw this on the other board, where I rarely post, but couldn't resist answering this post, and felt I would post it here in case anyone runs into interference:
Man, facts are a problem for this person. Maybe you can send this out on the same server the person used.
University money to Bohl:
Annual base salary $300,000
$50,000 annually for 15 appearances for the University
That is his annual guarantee from the University funds: $350,000
He can make incentives paid by the Univeristy of:
$20,000 each MWC win, maximum of eight
$25,000 Bowl Game or MWC title (not both)
Academic success:
Team combined GPA > 2.8 $50,000
Team combined GPA 2.7-2.79 $40,000
Team combined GPA 2.5-2.69 $25,000
Team combined GPA below 2.5 Nothing
Season Ticket Sales
to 4,999 Nothing
5,000-5,999 $20,000
6,000-6,999 $30,000
10,000 and up -$70,000
Incentives paid from non-University Funds
$550,000 10 media/public relations appearances
12 marketing appearances
1 foundation appearance
12 radio shows
Athletics account for roughly 4 percent of the University budget.
BTW, the person who sent the email failed to note that when the Athletic Department goes over board on a construction project, like the AA, it has to stop and revise the plans to fit within the money (which is non-university funding) allotted.
When the Fine Arts building came up $9 million short in matching funds what happened? The shortfall was made up out of the university general funds.
elfletcho said:This was an email fired out to both the faculty and staff list serve today. The story she is referring to was on page 3 of the boomerang, but isn't on their website. It detailed Tom Burman's meeting with the financial crisis committee. This is what we face every day on this campus. While this person isn't faculty, trust me this represents a fair portion of what you would call the "Studies" faculty. This is the mood on campus among a lot of faculty and some staff. I've considered passing on more of these diatribes from faculty, but always stopped short of posting.
UWstaff-l: Today's article in the Boomerang
I literally cried this morning after reading an article in the Laramie Boomerang. And I felt extremely nauseous. One-million dollars. A one-million dollar salary for the football coach. That salary is worth 28 staff with low/moderate pay ($35,000) or 40 staff at low pay ($25,000) or 83 part-time staff ($12,000). That salary is 20 faculty at $50,000 or 10 faculty at $100,000. One-million dollars. There are nationally and internationally renowned faculty and researchers at UW who may possibly have an income slightly over $100,000. One-million dollars. This university has been gutted over the last two months. Truly put this into perspective. Nineteen-million dollars in two months. In 45 working days, that is a cut of $422,000 per day.
There are staff who are being picked up out of their positions and moved like chess pieces, and are not being given any options or ability to have input on their job future. I suppose they do have an option of quitting, but that is really not a realistic option for most people. There are staff who have had their workload doubled, if not tripled, and are not being offered any more pay for the additional work. We are told, “You should just be happy that you have a job.” One-million dollars. I work 40+ hours every week plus interact with students from across the U.S and world, helping them in their academic goals. I go home stressed and frustrated. I do my job well for less than $40,000.
IN THE PAST, I felt UW produced very well rounded and socially productive students. That personal perspective has changed in the last 3-4 years. One-million dollars. I feel UW is on the path to becoming a glorified community college. The standing as a research university will soon disappear and the skeleton academic offerings will not be appealing to students. UW will be a great starter school, but not a place to have a polished education. UW has NOT been a magnet for top athletes since 1969. Why would it be? Many young people come from neighborhoods that are twice the population of the whole state. For many, that is not attractive. Athletics is an important component of college life, but it is not worth sacrificing quality education. UW athletics can be extremely successful within a reasonable scale. I have faith that the Wyoming community would still highly support UW athletics even at a lower division. All the EXCUSES coming from athletics for staying Division 1 are just that….excuses. All of UW is figuring out how to reduce, cut, and still be viable. I believe there would be a great outpouring of support from the UW community if athletics showed understanding, respect, and support for the academics in this ACADEMIC INSTITUTION. One-million dollars. Twenty-five years….that is the amount of time I would need to work at UW to make the one-year salary of the football coach.
Man, facts are a problem for this person. Maybe you can send this out on the same server the person used.
University money to Bohl:
Annual base salary $300,000
$50,000 annually for 15 appearances for the University
That is his annual guarantee from the University funds: $350,000
He can make incentives paid by the Univeristy of:
$20,000 each MWC win, maximum of eight
$25,000 Bowl Game or MWC title (not both)
Academic success:
Team combined GPA > 2.8 $50,000
Team combined GPA 2.7-2.79 $40,000
Team combined GPA 2.5-2.69 $25,000
Team combined GPA below 2.5 Nothing
Season Ticket Sales
to 4,999 Nothing
5,000-5,999 $20,000
6,000-6,999 $30,000
10,000 and up -$70,000
Incentives paid from non-University Funds
$550,000 10 media/public relations appearances
12 marketing appearances
1 foundation appearance
12 radio shows
Athletics account for roughly 4 percent of the University budget.
BTW, the person who sent the email failed to note that when the Athletic Department goes over board on a construction project, like the AA, it has to stop and revise the plans to fit within the money (which is non-university funding) allotted.
When the Fine Arts building came up $9 million short in matching funds what happened? The shortfall was made up out of the university general funds.