I do not know this person from the man on the moon, but Justin Thyme and people like him are attacking the matching funds for Wyo athletics. This is getting very old. They do not know the facts, or just don't care.they are spewing the same ol crap about all the athletes being from out of state. Despite the fact that the in state athletes are the ones who will be hurt the most. Because they make up the bulk of the so called Olympic sports. We all know these sports will be cut first before the revenue producing sports.
The Casper and Cheyenne papers all have opinions attacking the matching funds. We as Wyo sport fans must counter this or Wyoming athletics might be set back for years to come, or never get back to seriously competing for any relevancy in the M.W.C. Ever again.
The Casper and Cheyenne papers all have opinions attacking the matching funds. We as Wyo sport fans must counter this or Wyoming athletics might be set back for years to come, or never get back to seriously competing for any relevancy in the M.W.C. Ever again.