Say what you want about Sternberg but the man replied to any email I sent within 24 hours. And he clearly understood that a successful athletics program should be a priority.
McGinity gave athletics the support they needed during a time of flux.
The CSU lady was the drizzling shits. The stories I've heard from her staff at Old Main indicate she was a lunatic. And she clearly did not give a good goddamn about UW sports.
The interim guy after that doesn't even count. He was neutered from the get go by the governor.
And now we're stuck with this Seidel clown. Guy must be softer than baby shit. And as TR pointed out, he doesn't even shave.
It's time for the state to tackle it's Board of Trustees issue. I think the only solution is to make the trustees elected positions who are accountable to the voters.
McGinity gave athletics the support they needed during a time of flux.
The CSU lady was the drizzling shits. The stories I've heard from her staff at Old Main indicate she was a lunatic. And she clearly did not give a good goddamn about UW sports.
The interim guy after that doesn't even count. He was neutered from the get go by the governor.
And now we're stuck with this Seidel clown. Guy must be softer than baby shit. And as TR pointed out, he doesn't even shave.
It's time for the state to tackle it's Board of Trustees issue. I think the only solution is to make the trustees elected positions who are accountable to the voters.