Could someone explain uniform rules to me?
I’m watching INM-UNLV @ Vegas. UNM is wearing ‘what used to be ‘.Home Whites’. The Rebs are in black.
I’ve noticed that there appears to be no rhyme or reason for NBA unis either. (Ex:today in the LAC@NOLA game, NOLA wore Red. & LAC was in black.
I know LAL wears their Whites on Sundays.
Sometimes the Pokes wear home whites and sometimes gold. On the road sometimes it’s gold sometimes brown.
For NCAA. What are the rules? I imagine it’s the Hime teams choice, but that’s a guess.
Does anyone know when the home team has to notify the visitors what color unis the home team is going to wear so the visitors know which unis to bring on a road trip? Or do visiting teams have to bring their whole wardrobe?
I’m watching INM-UNLV @ Vegas. UNM is wearing ‘what used to be ‘.Home Whites’. The Rebs are in black.
I’ve noticed that there appears to be no rhyme or reason for NBA unis either. (Ex:today in the LAC@NOLA game, NOLA wore Red. & LAC was in black.
I know LAL wears their Whites on Sundays.
Sometimes the Pokes wear home whites and sometimes gold. On the road sometimes it’s gold sometimes brown.
For NCAA. What are the rules? I imagine it’s the Hime teams choice, but that’s a guess.
Does anyone know when the home team has to notify the visitors what color unis the home team is going to wear so the visitors know which unis to bring on a road trip? Or do visiting teams have to bring their whole wardrobe?