I don't have any links for these so I'll have to describe the pictures that went with them, but I thought they were pretty darn funny. Enjoy!
Our favorite was a Charlie Brown comic strip. CB & Peppermint Patti are sitting/leaning against a tree contemplating the coronavirus situation, and PP asks, "What surprises you the most about the coronavirus?" CB answers, "It has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel all sports, shut down all bars, and keep men at home!"
Anyone else's car getting 3 weeks to the gallon at the moment?
Humorous photo of a pretty clever guy on day 9 in quarantine: He set up a make-shift pool table on his good-sized kitchen table. Two bananas formed each of the pockets, limes created the15-ball triangle, and the cue ball was an orange as he was posed ready to break.
The drop in petrol prices during the lockdown is like a bald man winning a hairbrush.
There's a picture of an English bulldog sitting on a couch in an upright position (slouched) looking very sad. Commentator says, "After listening to his human, Linda, for 12 days while in quarantine as she complained for hours on end, Sparky realized he was not cut out to be an emotional support dog!"
Turns out my top three hobbies are 1) eating at restaurants, 2) going to nonessential businesses, and 3) touching my face!
To all of those grandparents who are missing their grandkids right now, once this is over, you can have them for a month. Sincerely, a tired mom.
Funny photo of three policemen, standing with their faces plastered against a window of a Dunkin' Donuts store, yearning for their coffee and donuts.
Cops these days be like, "Come out with your Hands Washed!"
It's like being 16 again. Gas is cheap, and I'm grounded!
The 3 weeks of home schooling for my 7, 9, and 12 year olds went surprisingly well! They have all graduated High School and are ready to move out and get jobs when the quarantine is over!
A floodlight is beaming into the night sky with a batman symbol. caption: In Wuhan, this means, "Your dinner is ready."
Fact: In 4 weeks, 88% of the blondes will disappear from the earth.
Remember when we were little and had underwear that had the names of the days of the week on them? Those would be helpful right now.
I was soooo bored last night that I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to somebody. He asked ME what I was wearing!
Our favorite was a Charlie Brown comic strip. CB & Peppermint Patti are sitting/leaning against a tree contemplating the coronavirus situation, and PP asks, "What surprises you the most about the coronavirus?" CB answers, "It has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel all sports, shut down all bars, and keep men at home!"
Anyone else's car getting 3 weeks to the gallon at the moment?
Humorous photo of a pretty clever guy on day 9 in quarantine: He set up a make-shift pool table on his good-sized kitchen table. Two bananas formed each of the pockets, limes created the15-ball triangle, and the cue ball was an orange as he was posed ready to break.
The drop in petrol prices during the lockdown is like a bald man winning a hairbrush.
There's a picture of an English bulldog sitting on a couch in an upright position (slouched) looking very sad. Commentator says, "After listening to his human, Linda, for 12 days while in quarantine as she complained for hours on end, Sparky realized he was not cut out to be an emotional support dog!"
Turns out my top three hobbies are 1) eating at restaurants, 2) going to nonessential businesses, and 3) touching my face!
To all of those grandparents who are missing their grandkids right now, once this is over, you can have them for a month. Sincerely, a tired mom.
Funny photo of three policemen, standing with their faces plastered against a window of a Dunkin' Donuts store, yearning for their coffee and donuts.
Cops these days be like, "Come out with your Hands Washed!"
It's like being 16 again. Gas is cheap, and I'm grounded!
The 3 weeks of home schooling for my 7, 9, and 12 year olds went surprisingly well! They have all graduated High School and are ready to move out and get jobs when the quarantine is over!
A floodlight is beaming into the night sky with a batman symbol. caption: In Wuhan, this means, "Your dinner is ready."
Fact: In 4 weeks, 88% of the blondes will disappear from the earth.
Remember when we were little and had underwear that had the names of the days of the week on them? Those would be helpful right now.
I was soooo bored last night that I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to somebody. He asked ME what I was wearing!