If you are still reading this this is the last part. I started this with the last comment from Part
(OK that ‘simple research project is done. Those with students in college all ready know how expensive College is. I was stunned. Gone for ever are the days of getting a part time job to pay for Tuition. I just tried to show that fact in black and white.
The main goal was to show the impacts to FBS ADs of adding the ‘Covid exception’ and impacts of increasing the number of Football Scholarships from 85 to 110. You can’t run a business, and that is what College sports has become, when there isn’t enough ‘Goistas’to pay the ‘Gooutas’
Now back to Lucky.
However in reality, I believe ‘Lucky’ was actually ‘unlucky’.
Lucky was truly talented. If he hadn’t suffered a season ending injury in Year Six, he may have been a first round draft choice in the NFL (or NBA) draft.
Per Forbes the average NFL 1st round draft pick multi year contract in 2019 varied from $36,000,000.00 for the first pick (Joe Burrow) ‘down’ to $10,800,000.00 for the 32nd pick (Cliyde Edwards).
Per the NBA Rookie Scale, the 1st player chosen in the NBA draft, salary compensation is $8,131.200.00 and the 30th player chosen in the NBA draft’s first year salary is $1,613,713.00. (Note those salaries can vary by up to +|- 20% of the base value).
So 62 individuals have the opportunity to earn well over a million dollars a year WITHOUT completing the requirements for a college degree. Some after
Only 1 year of college. Couple that with no 1st round draft pick has been terminated (‘cut’) from a NFL or NBA team. (0% attrition). during their rookie year.
Stanford Law accepts 550 students each year. In 2019, 250 individuals completed all requirements and graduated with JD degrees. That’s more than a 50% attrition rate. This doesn’t include those who graduated Stanford Law but didn’t pass the State Bar so that they can actually practice the law in a state or states of their choice.
So was ‘Lucky’, lucky or unlucky?
That answer is open for discussion.
Note I didn’t pick on lawyers on propose. Doctors and University Professors require more than 7 years of university education. (a PhD)
While it’s true that, Lawyers are often derided and are often the subject of jokes. But so are QBs, RBs, CBs and Kickers amongst others.
The difference is Lawyers fulfill a vital need. They often represent first round draft choices. (TIC) To all my friends, Sorry I couldn’t resist (lol)
As an aside.
There was a time when the vast majority of individuals in the US Congress were lawyers and no member of Congress the was associated with athletics (or the entertainment industry for that matter) That’s changed a bit.
Today 42% of the 111th US Congress hold law degrees (Of the 535 members of Congress 168 Representatives and 57 Senators are also ‘barristers..
Today, many individuals have a law degree, passed the bar and have chosen to leave the practice of law to others so they can pursue other opportunities. Like Judge Judy, Meghan Kelly, Judge Jeanine, Laura Ingram, Geraldo Rivera, Laura Coates, Chris Cuomo, Savanna Guthrie, Ben Stein, Jerry Springer and believe it or not Ozzie Nelson of Ozzie and Harriet fame,amongst many others have a law degree.
Of course if one wants to be a judge on SCOTUS a law degree is still one prerequisite. (You may have to be part masochist too)
Perhaps there are more qualified lawyers than are needed. Perhaps the entertainment and sports business is just more lucrative. I Don’t know.
Perhaps that is one reason why way more male children want a ‘career’ in NFL, NBA, and the entertainment industry than want to have a career as a lawyer. (TIC).
Maybe athletes are just smarter than Laywers. That’s a debate for another time.
The ‘Bottom Line’.
Adding 25 scholarships in addition to adding an additional year of scholarship for all student athletes is a huge expense and will put even more financial pressure on all Div 1 Athletic Budgets, which are already under severe pressure from COViD.
I hope ALL schools who are members of the NCAA get to VOTE on this proposal.
Remember only 11 players can be on the field for each team at a time. With no one playing ‘both ways’ any more that’s 22 add in a PK, P, and long snapper that’s 25. Add another 44 that’s 69 for a 3 deep squad. Add 16 redshirts 85. Most freshman classes are around 20-24. So figure of the 20 around 4 will be on the 3 deep.
So if another 25 scholarships are added then you have a solid FOUR deep or a heck of a scout team.
Did the NCAA think this through? Maybe in the beginning when conferences were canceling seasons. Then reality (money) set in. Now all conferences are playing football, albeit shortened seasons.
Ask yourself. Do FBS schools (P5 or G5) need 110 students on full ride scholarship?
Are P5 schools trying to ‘reduce the talent pool’ from G5 schools to keep them from being ‘competitive’?
Are the ‘P5’ scared of a G5 school beating them? Or
Is the root of this proposal to keep a G5 conference and/or a G5 team from cracking a 4 team playoff?
Is the NCAA trying to ‘help’ the Class of 2020 student athletes out?
Honestly I don’t know.
The question remains, Was ‘Lucky’, lucky or unlucky.
(OK that ‘simple research project is done. Those with students in college all ready know how expensive College is. I was stunned. Gone for ever are the days of getting a part time job to pay for Tuition. I just tried to show that fact in black and white.
The main goal was to show the impacts to FBS ADs of adding the ‘Covid exception’ and impacts of increasing the number of Football Scholarships from 85 to 110. You can’t run a business, and that is what College sports has become, when there isn’t enough ‘Goistas’to pay the ‘Gooutas’
Now back to Lucky.
However in reality, I believe ‘Lucky’ was actually ‘unlucky’.
Lucky was truly talented. If he hadn’t suffered a season ending injury in Year Six, he may have been a first round draft choice in the NFL (or NBA) draft.
Per Forbes the average NFL 1st round draft pick multi year contract in 2019 varied from $36,000,000.00 for the first pick (Joe Burrow) ‘down’ to $10,800,000.00 for the 32nd pick (Cliyde Edwards).
Per the NBA Rookie Scale, the 1st player chosen in the NBA draft, salary compensation is $8,131.200.00 and the 30th player chosen in the NBA draft’s first year salary is $1,613,713.00. (Note those salaries can vary by up to +|- 20% of the base value).
So 62 individuals have the opportunity to earn well over a million dollars a year WITHOUT completing the requirements for a college degree. Some after
Only 1 year of college. Couple that with no 1st round draft pick has been terminated (‘cut’) from a NFL or NBA team. (0% attrition). during their rookie year.
Stanford Law accepts 550 students each year. In 2019, 250 individuals completed all requirements and graduated with JD degrees. That’s more than a 50% attrition rate. This doesn’t include those who graduated Stanford Law but didn’t pass the State Bar so that they can actually practice the law in a state or states of their choice.
So was ‘Lucky’, lucky or unlucky?
That answer is open for discussion.
Note I didn’t pick on lawyers on propose. Doctors and University Professors require more than 7 years of university education. (a PhD)
While it’s true that, Lawyers are often derided and are often the subject of jokes. But so are QBs, RBs, CBs and Kickers amongst others.
The difference is Lawyers fulfill a vital need. They often represent first round draft choices. (TIC) To all my friends, Sorry I couldn’t resist (lol)
As an aside.
There was a time when the vast majority of individuals in the US Congress were lawyers and no member of Congress the was associated with athletics (or the entertainment industry for that matter) That’s changed a bit.
Today 42% of the 111th US Congress hold law degrees (Of the 535 members of Congress 168 Representatives and 57 Senators are also ‘barristers..
Today, many individuals have a law degree, passed the bar and have chosen to leave the practice of law to others so they can pursue other opportunities. Like Judge Judy, Meghan Kelly, Judge Jeanine, Laura Ingram, Geraldo Rivera, Laura Coates, Chris Cuomo, Savanna Guthrie, Ben Stein, Jerry Springer and believe it or not Ozzie Nelson of Ozzie and Harriet fame,amongst many others have a law degree.
Of course if one wants to be a judge on SCOTUS a law degree is still one prerequisite. (You may have to be part masochist too)
Perhaps there are more qualified lawyers than are needed. Perhaps the entertainment and sports business is just more lucrative. I Don’t know.
Perhaps that is one reason why way more male children want a ‘career’ in NFL, NBA, and the entertainment industry than want to have a career as a lawyer. (TIC).
Maybe athletes are just smarter than Laywers. That’s a debate for another time.
The ‘Bottom Line’.
Adding 25 scholarships in addition to adding an additional year of scholarship for all student athletes is a huge expense and will put even more financial pressure on all Div 1 Athletic Budgets, which are already under severe pressure from COViD.
I hope ALL schools who are members of the NCAA get to VOTE on this proposal.
Remember only 11 players can be on the field for each team at a time. With no one playing ‘both ways’ any more that’s 22 add in a PK, P, and long snapper that’s 25. Add another 44 that’s 69 for a 3 deep squad. Add 16 redshirts 85. Most freshman classes are around 20-24. So figure of the 20 around 4 will be on the 3 deep.
So if another 25 scholarships are added then you have a solid FOUR deep or a heck of a scout team.
Did the NCAA think this through? Maybe in the beginning when conferences were canceling seasons. Then reality (money) set in. Now all conferences are playing football, albeit shortened seasons.
Ask yourself. Do FBS schools (P5 or G5) need 110 students on full ride scholarship?
Are P5 schools trying to ‘reduce the talent pool’ from G5 schools to keep them from being ‘competitive’?
Are the ‘P5’ scared of a G5 school beating them? Or
Is the root of this proposal to keep a G5 conference and/or a G5 team from cracking a 4 team playoff?
Is the NCAA trying to ‘help’ the Class of 2020 student athletes out?
Honestly I don’t know.
The question remains, Was ‘Lucky’, lucky or unlucky.