So Here’s gow I see things on Valentines Day.
UNLV is on the uptick. So is SDSU and Fresno isn’t chopped liver. BSU is pretty good but UNR is the top shelf of the MWC.
For a MWC team besides UNR or possibly BSU to make the Dance they must win the MWC. I believe at this point of the season that’s pretty much a given.
So some thoughts. IMHO if your are up 20 why not give your bench real minutes. I think that is good coaching (Cudos SDSU Head Coach). Building confidence and giving players the opportunity to compete, in meaningful minutes, against ‘real competition’ beats practice ANY TIME.
So at this point in the season, where are the Pokes? Practice chum or ’meaninful competition’? Going into the season I said it was UNR & then a group including Wyoming competing for #2.
Where are are the Pokes? Not where they want to be that’s also a given. But keep in mind that things can & often do change during the last 3 weeks of a season. Let’s look at the meaninful MWC competition
BSU has stepped up (OK has emerged as #2). I have watched a lot of MWC games this year, if I was UNR or BSU the team I’d fear most today is UNLV. Yes they are young, they make errors, but they are learning, & have real talent.
I watched UNR-UNLV @ Reno. I haven’t watched a game with more intensity in a long time. I hope they play each other early in the MWC tourney (just a basketball & Poke fan’s wish. I want watch a good game and see a dangerous team taken out early).
SDSU shot well tonight against the Viejas. Wyoming shot well against SDSU at the AA. If SDSU shoots 3 balls that go in at Vegas, they will be a real tough out. I don’t think SDSUs D is as good as it was when Fisher was on the bench, but Pope, Kell & yes Hensley can play.
So who has the best chance to take out UNR in Vegas? At this point I see 4 schools and the Pokes are one of them (After all the Pokes have beat UNR, abeit it was in Double OT in Laramie).
Here’s the issue. Wyoming doesn’t match up well against against any team with an ‘inside presence’ (I.e. Large humans with basketball skills). UNLV is Big inside, SDSU has multiple bigs. The other side is that for most of the season SDSU has not shot the 3 ball well. Any team with talented ‘Bigs’ cause the Pokes real problems. If a team with an inside game also makes some 3s the Pokes are pretty much toast. (Just an honest observation).
FSU is dangerous, just ask the Pokes.
BSU is balanced, well coached and has talent, but IMO doesn’t have a true inside game.(I.e. Wyoming matches up well against them.
USU, for some reason, can take out a team ‘with better talent’. Just ask FSU.
Wyoming can be & has shown that they can be competitive.
It’s a fact that this Poke team has defeatedit UNR, BSU, UNLV & SDSU (yes I know most of those Ws were true nail biters & all of em were at 7220. Still it shows that the Pokes can be competitive and on any given night anything can happen.
So at this point in the season I’d say UNLV, BSU, FSU are the teams UNR players believe are the toughest competition. It’s a guess on my part, but I think if one asks Mussleman who he doesn’t want to play it might be Wyoming. Why? Because the Pokes match up well against UNR.
So with all that ‘expert’ analysis here’s my thoughts.
The MWC tourney, after UNR, is going to be pretty much a ‘wide open’ tournament. Potentially there could be multiple games with great matchups and surprising results.
If UNLV stays hot and Rebal fans fill up the upper level of the T&M the Rebels will have a real ‘Home Court Advantage’ even if it is on a MWC ‘neutral floor’ ( I wonder if the MWC bought ‘neutral rims’ too).
From watching the Pokes this year the Pokes can beat anybody in the conference IF HD can get spot up open 3s, IF Cody can hit some open 3s, IF JJ can make mid range 2s & some 3s, IF AH hits some outside shots & gets some put back points & timely blocks, IF Sweet Lou makes some drives & can get to the line & IF streaky Aki Gorski is making 3s. That’s a lot of IFs folks, but I have seen it happen this year. (Not for 3 or 4 games in a row though).
At this point in the season, if I was UNR, I’d be most concerned about UNLV, BSU, SDSU, & FSU.
I honestly believe UNR is the class of the MWC this year. I’d also say that there are at least 5 teams, UNLV, SDSU, BSU, FSU & WYO that if the shots go down could take down the Wolfpack. (I just don’t think UNM could ever beat UNR this year)
So here’s what I’d like to see. The Pokes finish in the top 5. UNLV Plays UNR early and UNR takes UNLV out. BSU takes out FSU. CSU takes out UNM. AF wins a game against somebody other than the Pokes. USU gets to the second round. The Pokes get to play & destroy CSU. Could that happen? Probably not.
But that’s why I’m going to Vegas in March.
Some other off the wall observations, not Sports related.
I watched the CBS postgame. One of the ‘experts’ gave Tim Miles some major props. I think Tim Miles is a good coach. I’m glad to see that he is succeeding in a tough environment & conference, especially at a ‘football school’ like UNL. (University of Nebraska Lincoln.
Ever wonder why it’s UNO, (University of Nebraska Omaha), or UN Kearney (UNK just doesn’t work) but it’s the University of Nebraska? I wonder what the actual diploma of students that graduate within the University of Nebraska system state. Is it the ‘University of Nebraska’ or is there a site specific identifier I.e Lincoln, Omaha, Kearney? I also wonder about the University systems in Colorado and California too. I believe CA differentiates (I.e. UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD, but it’s UC Berkley, not USB, Keep in mind SIlicon Valley is kind of close to Berkley) but I’m not sure.
It’s kind of comforting to know that if a person earns a degree from the University of Wyoming that means they spent some time in Laramie.
Hmm maybe I’m out of touch. Is it possible for a person to earn a BS or BA, on line, from the University of Wyoming and never set foot in the state? Someone help me out here.
If that’s possible that is kind of sad. Besides being challlenged in the classroom most UW grads will experience the challenge of getting to and from class in Laramie during February. That is a challenge that has to be experienced to overcome. Some call it ‘overcoming adversity’ To me overcoming adversity, in any form, is a good thing. I believe that being challenged and enabling a person to overcome challenges is something ‘College’ teaches a person.its called learning.
Some employers appreciate that. It might even make it tie breaker between two competitors for the same position. Showing up to work on time when needed, no matter the wx condition, prepared to do the task at hand, could be defined as a ‘superior skill set’.
I think I got off topic a bit. But maybe the fact that I was fortunite to be born and raised in a state that has 1 university, and a ‘diversity of weather’, not to mention great people, is part of the reason why I’m a ‘Cowboy Fan’ for life. My only regret is that I’m not an Alumni of UW.
UNLV is on the uptick. So is SDSU and Fresno isn’t chopped liver. BSU is pretty good but UNR is the top shelf of the MWC.
For a MWC team besides UNR or possibly BSU to make the Dance they must win the MWC. I believe at this point of the season that’s pretty much a given.
So some thoughts. IMHO if your are up 20 why not give your bench real minutes. I think that is good coaching (Cudos SDSU Head Coach). Building confidence and giving players the opportunity to compete, in meaningful minutes, against ‘real competition’ beats practice ANY TIME.
So at this point in the season, where are the Pokes? Practice chum or ’meaninful competition’? Going into the season I said it was UNR & then a group including Wyoming competing for #2.
Where are are the Pokes? Not where they want to be that’s also a given. But keep in mind that things can & often do change during the last 3 weeks of a season. Let’s look at the meaninful MWC competition
BSU has stepped up (OK has emerged as #2). I have watched a lot of MWC games this year, if I was UNR or BSU the team I’d fear most today is UNLV. Yes they are young, they make errors, but they are learning, & have real talent.
I watched UNR-UNLV @ Reno. I haven’t watched a game with more intensity in a long time. I hope they play each other early in the MWC tourney (just a basketball & Poke fan’s wish. I want watch a good game and see a dangerous team taken out early).
SDSU shot well tonight against the Viejas. Wyoming shot well against SDSU at the AA. If SDSU shoots 3 balls that go in at Vegas, they will be a real tough out. I don’t think SDSUs D is as good as it was when Fisher was on the bench, but Pope, Kell & yes Hensley can play.
So who has the best chance to take out UNR in Vegas? At this point I see 4 schools and the Pokes are one of them (After all the Pokes have beat UNR, abeit it was in Double OT in Laramie).
Here’s the issue. Wyoming doesn’t match up well against against any team with an ‘inside presence’ (I.e. Large humans with basketball skills). UNLV is Big inside, SDSU has multiple bigs. The other side is that for most of the season SDSU has not shot the 3 ball well. Any team with talented ‘Bigs’ cause the Pokes real problems. If a team with an inside game also makes some 3s the Pokes are pretty much toast. (Just an honest observation).
FSU is dangerous, just ask the Pokes.
BSU is balanced, well coached and has talent, but IMO doesn’t have a true inside game.(I.e. Wyoming matches up well against them.
USU, for some reason, can take out a team ‘with better talent’. Just ask FSU.
Wyoming can be & has shown that they can be competitive.
It’s a fact that this Poke team has defeatedit UNR, BSU, UNLV & SDSU (yes I know most of those Ws were true nail biters & all of em were at 7220. Still it shows that the Pokes can be competitive and on any given night anything can happen.
So at this point in the season I’d say UNLV, BSU, FSU are the teams UNR players believe are the toughest competition. It’s a guess on my part, but I think if one asks Mussleman who he doesn’t want to play it might be Wyoming. Why? Because the Pokes match up well against UNR.
So with all that ‘expert’ analysis here’s my thoughts.
The MWC tourney, after UNR, is going to be pretty much a ‘wide open’ tournament. Potentially there could be multiple games with great matchups and surprising results.
If UNLV stays hot and Rebal fans fill up the upper level of the T&M the Rebels will have a real ‘Home Court Advantage’ even if it is on a MWC ‘neutral floor’ ( I wonder if the MWC bought ‘neutral rims’ too).
From watching the Pokes this year the Pokes can beat anybody in the conference IF HD can get spot up open 3s, IF Cody can hit some open 3s, IF JJ can make mid range 2s & some 3s, IF AH hits some outside shots & gets some put back points & timely blocks, IF Sweet Lou makes some drives & can get to the line & IF streaky Aki Gorski is making 3s. That’s a lot of IFs folks, but I have seen it happen this year. (Not for 3 or 4 games in a row though).
At this point in the season, if I was UNR, I’d be most concerned about UNLV, BSU, SDSU, & FSU.
I honestly believe UNR is the class of the MWC this year. I’d also say that there are at least 5 teams, UNLV, SDSU, BSU, FSU & WYO that if the shots go down could take down the Wolfpack. (I just don’t think UNM could ever beat UNR this year)
So here’s what I’d like to see. The Pokes finish in the top 5. UNLV Plays UNR early and UNR takes UNLV out. BSU takes out FSU. CSU takes out UNM. AF wins a game against somebody other than the Pokes. USU gets to the second round. The Pokes get to play & destroy CSU. Could that happen? Probably not.
But that’s why I’m going to Vegas in March.
Some other off the wall observations, not Sports related.
I watched the CBS postgame. One of the ‘experts’ gave Tim Miles some major props. I think Tim Miles is a good coach. I’m glad to see that he is succeeding in a tough environment & conference, especially at a ‘football school’ like UNL. (University of Nebraska Lincoln.
Ever wonder why it’s UNO, (University of Nebraska Omaha), or UN Kearney (UNK just doesn’t work) but it’s the University of Nebraska? I wonder what the actual diploma of students that graduate within the University of Nebraska system state. Is it the ‘University of Nebraska’ or is there a site specific identifier I.e Lincoln, Omaha, Kearney? I also wonder about the University systems in Colorado and California too. I believe CA differentiates (I.e. UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD, but it’s UC Berkley, not USB, Keep in mind SIlicon Valley is kind of close to Berkley) but I’m not sure.
It’s kind of comforting to know that if a person earns a degree from the University of Wyoming that means they spent some time in Laramie.
Hmm maybe I’m out of touch. Is it possible for a person to earn a BS or BA, on line, from the University of Wyoming and never set foot in the state? Someone help me out here.
If that’s possible that is kind of sad. Besides being challlenged in the classroom most UW grads will experience the challenge of getting to and from class in Laramie during February. That is a challenge that has to be experienced to overcome. Some call it ‘overcoming adversity’ To me overcoming adversity, in any form, is a good thing. I believe that being challenged and enabling a person to overcome challenges is something ‘College’ teaches a person.its called learning.
Some employers appreciate that. It might even make it tie breaker between two competitors for the same position. Showing up to work on time when needed, no matter the wx condition, prepared to do the task at hand, could be defined as a ‘superior skill set’.
I think I got off topic a bit. But maybe the fact that I was fortunite to be born and raised in a state that has 1 university, and a ‘diversity of weather’, not to mention great people, is part of the reason why I’m a ‘Cowboy Fan’ for life. My only regret is that I’m not an Alumni of UW.