I know some have said they are delaying renewing membership in CJC until basketball situation is dealt with.
I understand the frustration and disappointment.
For a moment, however, consider the idea that CJC support shouldn't be tied to one particular sport. It is a donation to support that Athletic Department. Should football, wrestling women's basketball, golf, tennis, track and field, soccer and others be penalized because of the struggles of one program. I could be wrong (and am sure someone will correct me if that is the case) but I would suspect the non-revenue sports welcome funding more than anyone because their budgets are so limited.
Not saying anyone is wrong for whatever decision they make but just one to say, for me, penalizing all the sports because of frustration over one sport doesn't seem right.
I understand the frustration and disappointment.
For a moment, however, consider the idea that CJC support shouldn't be tied to one particular sport. It is a donation to support that Athletic Department. Should football, wrestling women's basketball, golf, tennis, track and field, soccer and others be penalized because of the struggles of one program. I could be wrong (and am sure someone will correct me if that is the case) but I would suspect the non-revenue sports welcome funding more than anyone because their budgets are so limited.
Not saying anyone is wrong for whatever decision they make but just one to say, for me, penalizing all the sports because of frustration over one sport doesn't seem right.