Tracy, why do you keep throwing Referee references at me? All because i brought up, what i think, is a lack of UW marketing? This has nothing to do with officiating, good, bad or indifference. You look at Baseball through a whole different pair of eyes than most, hence you write about it. I officiate basketball, not football, so i do see basketball games through a different view. But again what does my officiating have to do with UW football? If you have a problem with my posts, or dont like what i have to say then, im ok with that. If you are friends with the whole Athletic department and i say something to that rubs you wrong about a coach or whoever, then say so.
This is a fan message board regarding WYO sports. I happen to disagree(like others) with the OC and DCs game plans sometime. I know its easy to sit back and be an "armchair QB' week in and week out. Im one of the best at it, just ask me. Haha. Im not sure where the discontent and officiating shots are coming from? If its something you would like to discuss in person, I see you at the basketball games and im in tailgate alley, spot #18, come on by and have an adult beverage on me Saturday.
GO POKES beat the sheep!
This is a fan message board regarding WYO sports. I happen to disagree(like others) with the OC and DCs game plans sometime. I know its easy to sit back and be an "armchair QB' week in and week out. Im one of the best at it, just ask me. Haha. Im not sure where the discontent and officiating shots are coming from? If its something you would like to discuss in person, I see you at the basketball games and im in tailgate alley, spot #18, come on by and have an adult beverage on me Saturday.
GO POKES beat the sheep!