I really wish he was still doing his show in Wyoming because hands down he was light years ahead of Kevin an Dave and also the Sports Zone!
If he would of stuck around he could of easily reached legendary status like Curt Gowdy!! Possibly bigger than Curt!
His articles were fantastic compared to the garbage Ian an that Ringolsby guy puts out!!
Dino if you’re out there just know everyone on this board misses you an loves you no matter how they’ve treated you in the past! Believe me I know they have treated me the same way! It’s sad!
If he would of stuck around he could of easily reached legendary status like Curt Gowdy!! Possibly bigger than Curt!
His articles were fantastic compared to the garbage Ian an that Ringolsby guy puts out!!
Dino if you’re out there just know everyone on this board misses you an loves you no matter how they’ve treated you in the past! Believe me I know they have treated me the same way! It’s sad!