…so says this guy on Facebook. I posted earlier about that Budget article posted to Facebook by the Casper paper. The article leads the reader to make the conclusion that the $8 million in matching funds is the evil culprit to why K-12 Education is taking a huge budget hit and specifically, why a $3.3 million Family Literacy program is cut.
I commented on this article in Facebook and got into a little back and forth with this dude. I'll paraphrase this guy's comment to me: "Why should my taxes go to freeloaders like you to pay for you to watch Football, pay your own way, freeloader". Then this guy admits in his comments he never attended high school or college in Wyoming...
Now I know of another member on this message board that got into it with this guy too despite his very reasoned arguments (and I'm hoping to get this person's feedback/take on it). It just simply baffles me that people like this are out there, supposedly educated and yet have huge flaws in logical reasoning. Wow, just wow… where do you begin? Why even try?
All I can say is I'm a passionate fan (the wife would say too passionate at times) and all I can do is try to fight the good fight. The good that came out of this is I got to be Facebook friends with two very dedicated Poke Fans!
Go Pokes!
Brand LeMaitre
I commented on this article in Facebook and got into a little back and forth with this dude. I'll paraphrase this guy's comment to me: "Why should my taxes go to freeloaders like you to pay for you to watch Football, pay your own way, freeloader". Then this guy admits in his comments he never attended high school or college in Wyoming...
Now I know of another member on this message board that got into it with this guy too despite his very reasoned arguments (and I'm hoping to get this person's feedback/take on it). It just simply baffles me that people like this are out there, supposedly educated and yet have huge flaws in logical reasoning. Wow, just wow… where do you begin? Why even try?
All I can say is I'm a passionate fan (the wife would say too passionate at times) and all I can do is try to fight the good fight. The good that came out of this is I got to be Facebook friends with two very dedicated Poke Fans!
Go Pokes!
Brand LeMaitre