Worth a smile even without the accompanied photos...
87% of gym members don't even know their gym is closed.
Did a load of pajamas so I'd have clean work clothes this week.
Raise your hand if you've been drunk the entire month of Mapril.
For the second part of this quarantine, do we have to stay with the same family or are they going to relocate us? Asking for a friend.
It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a distillery to homeschool one.
If you see my kids crying outside picking weeds, just keep on driving. They're on a field trip.
How soon after waking up is it okay to take a nap?
Coronavirus throat spray = a bottle of Smirnoff with a sprayer screwed to the top.
87% of gym members don't even know their gym is closed.
Did a load of pajamas so I'd have clean work clothes this week.
Raise your hand if you've been drunk the entire month of Mapril.
For the second part of this quarantine, do we have to stay with the same family or are they going to relocate us? Asking for a friend.
It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a distillery to homeschool one.
If you see my kids crying outside picking weeds, just keep on driving. They're on a field trip.
How soon after waking up is it okay to take a nap?
Coronavirus throat spray = a bottle of Smirnoff with a sprayer screwed to the top.